
General terms and conditions

applicable to agreements entered into after 1 January 2021 

These general terms and conditions apply between Grand Hotel Lysekil, company reg. no. 556880-7035, (the  Hotel) and any business which itself or through a third party enters into an agreement with the Hotel (the  Guest). The terms and conditions apply to all bookings at Grand Hotel Lysekil, including bookings via the Hotel´s  website and bookings made through a third party. If you have any questions regarding these general terms and  conditions, please contact Customer Service, either by email at info@grandhotellysekil.se or by telephone at  +46 (0)523 - 611 000. 

Booking and confirmation

The Guest may make a booking either verbally or in writing. Upon receiving a booking, The Hotel shall send a  written confirmation to the Guest stating the date(s), number of persons, number of nights and the price for  the entire stay. The booking is binding on the Hotel only after the Hotel has sent a written confirmation to the  Guest. Any errors in the written confirmation must be reported to the Hotel by the Guest without delay. The  booking is binding on the Guest 48 hours after the Hotel has sent the written confirmation to the Guest,  regardless of whether the Guest has actually read the written confirmation.

Rates and reservations against changes

Rates provided by the Hotel following inquiries or bookings only apply on that occasion and for the stated days  and number of hotel rooms and/or persons. In the event the Guest wishes to make changes to the booking in  any respect, the Hotel shall not be bound by the previously offered rates, and shall be entitled to provide the  Guest with new rates. In the event the Hotel and the Guest do not agree on the new terms and conditions for  the changed booking, including the rates, the terms and conditions for the original, confirmed booking shall  apply. 

In the event of changes in taxes, duties or other circumstances beyond the Hotel´s control, the Hotel reserves  the right to adjust confirmed rates accordingly.

Payment terms and conditions for large bookings

In connection with large bookings covering a booking of at least ten (10) rooms for at least one (1) night or one  (1) room for at least ten (10) nights, the Guest shall, at the time of the booking, pay an advance of 50% of the  confirmed price for the entire stay. The remaining portion of the confirmed price shall be invoiced to the Guest 90 days before the first day of the stay. In the event that the first night of the confirmed stay is less than 90 days away, such invoice shall be sent immediately following the booking being confirmed. The invoiced amount for the remaining portion is payable within 30 days of the date of the invoice, or as stated on the  invoice. In the event that the Guest fails to pay for the stay in a timely manner, the booking shall not be binding on the Hotel.


Cancellation of a confirmed booking must be made in writing by email to info@grandhotellysekil.se. In the event of a cancellation made by the Guest for a confirmed booking, the Hotel is entitled to withhold the full advance paid by the Guest as compensation.

Check-in and checkout times

Booked hotel rooms shall be available for check-in no later than 3 PM local time on the date of arrival.  Checkout must occur not later than 11 AM local time on the date of departure.

Liability for damage

The Guest is liable for any and all damage resulting from the Guest´s or the Guest´s visitors´ negligence or unjustified behavior. Smoking is forbidden throughout the Hotel. In the event of any violation, the Guest shall  be responsible for any costs associated with returning damaged property to its intended state.

Force Majeure

In the event of any circumstance beyond the Hotel´s control, including (but not limited to) strike, lockout, material limitations on deliveries, fire, explosion, terrorism, war or war-like circumstances, the Hotel reserves  the right to terminate any agreement entered into with the Guest without any obligation to pay damages. 

Personal data

The Hotel processes the Guest’s personal data in various contexts and is responsible for the personal data  collected. In connection with bookings, the Hotel processes the personal data required in order to be able to  fulfill contracts for bookings and purchases of services, for example information regarding the identity of the  Guest, and the Guest’s contact and payment information. In connection with general contacts, the Hotel  processes contact information required for Guest follow-up, and collected information is handled based on the  Hotel’s legitimate interest in ensuring good communications with the persons who contact the Hotel. On  certain occasions, the Guest’s passport number is saved. The Hotel also processes other information which the  Guest has provided to the Hotel and which is relevant for the stay, for example information regarding allergies  or special wishes for the Guest’s stay.  

The Hotel processes personal data as long as it is necessary to perform contracts entered into with a Guest and  as long as applicable legislation or public authorities require the Hotel to do so. The Hotel does not disclose the  personal data of a Guest to any third party without the consent of the Guest or unless applicable legislation,  regulations, or court orders permits or requires the Hotel to do so. 

The Hotel’s Guests or other data subjects have several rights under the data protection legislation. These  include the right to gain insight into to any information stored by the Hotel and to request correction, deletion,  or transfer of personal data which the Hotel is processing. Guests or other data subjects are entitled to file  complaints with the Swedish Data Inspection Board which is the supervisory authority. To submit questions and  requests for further information regarding how the Hotel processes personal data or to exercise your rights,  please send an email to info@grandhotellysekil.se. 


Any and all disputes which may arise between the Guest and the Hotel shall be resolved in accordance with  Swedish law. In the event the dispute cannot be solved amicably, the dispute shall be resolved through  litigation in a Swedish court of general jurisdiction, with the Uddevalla District Court as the court of first instance.